Category: Deutsch

Charlélie bei Lasse in Pinneberg

Lasse hat seit zwei Monaten einen französischen Bruder. Charlélie kommt aus der Bretagne und wird bis zum Sommer nicht nur sein Deutsch verbessern, sondern auch tief in die deutsche Kultur eintauchen. Er erlebt Deutschland wie kein Tourist es jemals kann:…

Madrid meets Waiblingen – Gonzalo & Lukas

Gonzalo is collecting families. He has already spent 6 months in France (and his French brother another 6 with him in Spain). It was a picturebook-perfect exchange for everyone concerned that has whet Gonzalo’s appetite for yet another cultural immersion experience.…

City boy chasing cows – Peter & Christian

Peter from Köln/Cologne in Germany is in the second part of his exchange with Christian in Ontario, Canada. He is now living on a small farm, a very different life to what he knows from his city of one million people. …

Marlene in Canada with Robyn

Second part of the exchange between Marlene (Germany) and Robyn. Robyn had spent 3 phantastic months with Marlene and her family in Germany from February to May, now it’s time for Marlene to live her Canadian life. She writes: “My…