The first part of their reciprocal exchange is coming to an end and Kai is looking back to 6 weeks of full immersion in his German life.
He led the life of a German teenager, played basketball and football , spent a weekend at friend’s, experienced a German village summer festival, celebrated birthdays with his German family, followed the European soccer championship. He went on holidays with his family to the south of the country where he immersed in the greater family with cousins, uncles and aunts, grandparents and great-grandmother (he was the star among his younger German cousins). They had great fun playing bow-and-arrow, Mensch-ärgere-dich nicht, watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris and enjoyed perfect summer days …

Kai was lucky to spend half of this time experiencing a school routine in Samy’s school in Berlin. He quickly made friends in school and outside and among others took part in an art project together with Samy where they spray-painted (Schulprojekt „Stromkastenstyling“) electrical boxes in their area.

All in all, Kai gained a very good insight into what everyday life feels, looks and tastes 🙂 like in Germany.
Now it’s time for Samy to experience Chinese life, together with Kai and his family in Suzhou near Shanghai.
Well done! To Kai who proved himself a perfectly adaptable young adventurer, to Samy who looked after Kai very well and helped him integrate, to his host family who made Kai feel at home and treated him like one of their own children, and last but not least to Kai’s family in China who put their trust in the German family and us, Aventuro! We wish you all the best in the second part.