Im August ist er losgezogen gen USA, zu seiner Gastfamilie in Idaho. Und Julian hat alles richtig gemacht bisher: Er hat sich wunderbar integriert in sein amerikanisches Leben und nimmt alles offen und mit Begeisterung an. Seine durch und durch positive Lebenseinstellung machte es seiner Gastfamilie sehr leicht ihn in ihr Leben zu integrieren. Sie haben viel Freude daran, ihm so viel wie möglich von dem zu zeigen, was ein Leben in den USA zu bieten hat.

Hier Auszüge aus seiner Januarbewertung:
Julian has shown an impressive level of adaptability…he makes keen observations about his school/classes and his social time here, and is very happy, focused, still quite excited to be stateside. He is very easy going and gets on well with his host family, he is respectful and kind. He has done a good job adapting to the fast pace/busy schedule of American life.
He has gotten into the rhythm of the busy lifestyle, excited about all the American experiences his host family have arranged for him in addition to experiencing every day life. He makes friends easily, his English use is stellar, and his overall outlook is extremely positive.
He does seem very happy and up beat. He speaks well of his host family and said he has not had any issues. He enjoys spending time with them and is very respectful towards them as well. I get the distinct
impression he is enjoying the program so much he won’t want to go home at the end.
His host family is thoroughly enjoying having Julian as an exchange student. They are doing a fantastic job giving him a wonderful experience in the states.