During the first part of their exchange, Finn from Bad Oldesloe had the chance to live Canadian life with Ewan in Kingston, Ontario. Since February, Ewan is now with his German exchange brother and he is enjoying his time just as much as Finn did. He is making friends at school and in basketball, venturing to Hamburg with them to do some ice skating, visiting Berlin and Lübeck with his German family. Before he flies back to Canada with the other Canadian adventurers in 3 weeks, his family is showing him Paris. Lucky you, Ewan!
This is what his German mom wrote us: “Alles prima. Ewan hat sich richtig gut eingefunden und ist gut drauf. Er hat Spaß in der Schule und er unternimmt mit Finn und Klassenkameraden auch Ausflüge nach Hamburg. Letzten Freitag waren sie Eislaufen in Planten und Blomen.”