An exchange is always an opportunity for a school and a community to learn more about the exchange child’s home country and culture. In the case of 8year old LiuBei (or rather Jessica as she calls herself in Germany), her German family are giving their school plenty of opportunity to delve into Chinese customs. The Chinese Moon Festival, or Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated on Friday 13th September was a wonderful occasion not to be missed. 🙂
Jessica went to school packed with freshly imported Moon Cakes to be shared with class mates, friends and teachers as well as info material for the class teacher, Stephanie Görich, who fully embraced this opportunity to strengthen the bond and create understanding.Thank you from Aventuro for the excellent work you are doing!
Referred to in China as zhongqiujie (中秋节), the Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the largest festivals in Mainland China and East Asia. This festival began as a celebration of the moon and has a tradition of deity, but it is also a time to reconnect with family members. Many traditions of the Mid-Autumn festival are centered around family reunion and happiness.
Erklärungen zu den Bildern:
Chinesische Nudeln mit Pommes (Willkommen in Deutschland)
Jessica im traditionellen chinesischen Kleid. Das Paket kam wieder sehr pünktlich (gestern) an. 😁
Das war unser deutsch-Chinesisches Mondfest. Jessica war auch glücklich, dass sie waschechte Chinesen getroffen hat. (Die Restaurantbesitzer)
So wurde der Mondkuchen für die Schule vorbereitet, damit der an Mitschüler, Freunde und Lehrer verteilt werden könnte
Infomaterial für die Klassenlehrerin, damit sie den Kindern vom chinesischen Mondfest berichten kann. Das hat sie Klasse gemacht. Das ganze Dorf spricht übers Mondfest und ist interessiert an der chinesischen Kultur.